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Coaching Services
Fact Sheet: Coaching Services and Methodology
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Invest in the Development of Talent.
Executive Leadership Coaching provides senior level clients with a six-month, retainer-based coaching program that is tailored to their specific needs. This coaching is most appropriate for high potentials, senior management, and C-suite executives.
Self-awareness Builds Confidence!
In the initial phase of the engagement, a ChangePraxis coach works with the participant to review psychometric assessment and feedback data, to identify areas of strength and target key areas for development. Over the duration of the engagement, the coach supports the participant to identify concrete changes in behavior that are desired, and the practical actions that can be taken to achieve those behavior changes..
Results Matter!
Jointly, coach and participant evaluate the progress on actions to achieve the desired behavior changes. At the end of the engagement, the coach will conduct a targeted assessment to gauge progress against the development goals.
"In my role, I need to hire a number of Executive Coaches for various leaders. I can always depend on ChangePraxis to provide a coach who has been a line executive, and who is a very capable coach. It's a great combination of skills and one that our leaders really appreciate."
VP OD and Talent Management -- public utility
360-degree Feedback Coaching
Provide Meaningful Feedback.
Feedback from a variety of sources has long been seen as a valuable development tool when used in the right hands and for the right purpose. We believe that 360 feedback can be highly useful in helping motivated associates to leverage their strengths and to correct behavior that is seen as ineffective or detrimental to their performance.
Next-Generation Innovation Creates Value.
We utilize a very powerful and proprietary online 360 instrument (LVI 360) to provide meaningful and actionable feedback to the participant. Our consulting involves administering the instrument, interpretation of the results, and individual sessions of 2-3 hours each to review the feedback results and to plan appropriate actions.
Follow-up Ensures Success.
We believe that effective follow-up is so necessary to ensure that the participant has made measurable progress that we conduct a targeted assessment at the six-month point. to evaluate progress.
".As part of development plans for our high potential leaders, we utilized ChangePraxis consultants to administer 360's, in addition to debriefing the feedback and providing ongoing coaching to each leader every month. Participants told us that they really liked the innovative 360 instrument that was used -- they saw it as very helpful. They also saw value in the debrief, the action planning, and the ongoing coaching."
SVP Talent Management -- pharmaceuticals
"Our Senior Team was going through a lot of change, and we hired three new executives. We needed them to come onboard quickly, so we used ChangePraxis to plan and conduct New Executive Assimilations for our new Chief Legal Officer, our head of R&D, and our Chief Marketing Officer. The sessions were seen as very effective in quickly getting those new executives "up to speed" with their new teams."
VP OD and Talent Management, consumer packaged goods
Personal Insights are Critical.
Executive development is a big commitment, with the potential for big payoffs. ChangePraxis offers a variety of validated psychological and professional assessments. This provides a leader with valuable personal insights that provide a view into elements of their leadership style, strengths, development areas and preferences that they might not be consciously aware of. Gaining such perspective increases self-awareness and provides a solid foundation for the coaching process.
Validated Instruments Ensure High Quality.
We do not use "popular" assessments that have little validity. Instead, we utilize a small set of validated instruments which have been proven over the years to be highly accurate and which have been shown to be of significant value to participants. Below are some of the instruments that we utilize to provide you valuable personal insights:
> LVI 360◦ multi-rater feedback
Feedback from a variety of perspectives has been shown to be very valuable when used for identifying areas of strength and areas for development. We utilize a proprietary 360 instrument that has revolutionized how 360 feedback is provided and reviewed.
> Hogan Assessment Systems
A comprehensive and rigorous suite of assessments that reveal a person’s reasoning skills, leadership and management competencies and characteristics, as well as personal and work values.
> Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles Inventory and The Conflict Lens®
Designed to help individuals and teams understand the various approaches and behaviors associated with conflict so they may choose more productive means of managing it.
> Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Profile
A tool for executives who want to understand their strengths and vulnerabilities in the area of critical thinking, a crucial skill for career progression.
Want to build self-awareness in your leaders, but not sure which assessments would be best? Give us a call and we can share our thoughts.

Fact Sheet: Executive Coaching

Fact Sheet; 360-degree Feedback Coaching
Executive Coaching
360 Feedback
Team Assimilation

Assessments Build Self-Awareness
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